Fertilova® Female DHEA
Fertilova® Female DHEA
Fertilova® Female DHEA

Fertilova® Female DHEA

$ 250.00

DHEA is a natural hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Our premium DHEA supplement offers a wide range of potential benefits that can help you achieve your health, fitness, and fertility goals. For more information on DHEA, click here.

 Why Choose Our DHEA Supplements?

Highest Quality: Fertilova® Female DHEA is made from premiumingredients. This supplement has undergone rigorous quality testing by Vesta Nutra to ensure purity and potency.
Easy to Use: Convenient and reasonably sized capsulesdesigned for hassle-free consumption.
Trusted Brand: Vesta Nutra has a track record of delivering high-quality supplements and providing outstanding customer service.

Recommended Usage.

For best results, each day take either 25mg of Fertilova ® Female DHEA, or the amount recommended by your primary care physician.
Because individual needs vary, consult your primary care physician before taking Fertilova ® Female DHEA.


Hormonal Balance: DHEA may support hormonal balance, which is crucial for health, energy levels, and vitality.

Energy and Stamina: DHEA may produce a surge in energy andendurance. It can help you stay active and perform at your best.
Mood Enhancement: Often referred to as the "feel-good" hormone,DHEA may elevate your mood, reduce stress, and enhance your sense of well-being.
Muscle Support: A popular choice among fitness enthusiasts and athletes looking to maximize physical performance, DHEA may play a role in developing lean muscle mass.
Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that DHEA may boost cognitive function and mental clarity, helping you stay sharp and focused.

Fertilova® Female DHEA

Fertilova® Female DHEA

$ 250.00


Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, and it serves as a
precursor for both estrogen and testosterone in the body. In women, DHEA plays
several significant roles in health and well-being


Dehydroepiandrosterone, commonly known as DHEA, is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys. It is classified as a steroid hormone and is one of the most abundant hormones in the human body. DHEA serves as a precursor for other hormones, meaning it can be converted into various hormones in the body, including testosterone and estrogen.


DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and, to a lesser extent, by the ovaries in women. It serves as a precursor to other hormones, including estrogen and testosterone, and plays several significant roles in women's health


1. Hormone Balance

2. Bone Health

3. Libido and Sexual Health

4. Mood and Mental Health

5. Menopause Symptom Relief


Micronized DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a form of DHEA that has been processed into smaller particles, which can potentially offer some advantages over regular DHEA supplements:

1. Enhanced Absorption: Micronization increases the surface area of the DHEA particles, making it easier for the body to absorb. This may lead to more consistent blood levels of DHEA.

2. Improved Bioavailability: Micronized DHEA may have better bioavailability, meaning a higher percentage of the ingested dose is absorbed and utilized by the body.

3. Reduced Irritation: Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort when taking regular DHEA supplements. Micronized DHEA may be gentler on the stomach for some people.

4. Easier to Dose: Micronized DHEA often comes in a powder or smaller tablet form, allowing for more precise dosing compared to regular DHEA, which typically comes in larger capsules.

However, it's important to note that DHEA supplements, whether micronized or not, should be used with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. DHEA can have hormonal effects in the body, and its use should be monitored to ensure it is appropriate for an individual's specific health needs and goals. Additionally, DHEA supplements may not be suitable for everyone, and potential side effects and interactions with other medications should be considered.


Ovarian Function: DHEA is produced naturally in the adrenal glands and in small amounts in the ovaries. Some studies suggest that DHEA supplementation might improve ovarian function and reserve, particularly in women with diminished ovarian reserve (low egg quantity) or poor response to fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF).


Egg Quality: DHEA has been investigated for its potential to improve egg quality, which is a crucial factor for successful conception and pregnancy. Improved egg quality may enhance the chances of successful fertility treatments.


Hormonal Balance: DHEA is a precursor hormone that can be converted into both estrogen and testosterone. Maintaining a healthy hormonal balance is essential for female fertility, and DHEA may influence this balance.


Age-Related Fertility: DHEA supplementation has been explored as a potential treatment to mitigate age-related fertility decline in women. However, its effectiveness in this regard is still a subject of research and debate.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Some research suggests that DHEA supplementation may be beneficial for women with PCOS, a condition characterized by hormonal imbalances that can affect fertility.


Female fertility holds profound significance as it represents the cornerstone of human reproduction and the continuation of life. Beyond its biological function, it plays an indispensable role in shaping individuals' dreams of motherhood, family building, and nurturing the next generation. The ability of women to conceive and bear children carries immense personal, emotional, and cultural value, contributing to the very essence of family, heritage, and societal continuity. Female fertility empowers women to fulfill their aspirations of parenthood and create loving homes, fostering emotional well-being and fulfillment. Moreover, it sustains the fabric of societies by ensuring demographic balance, a future workforce, and the transfer of traditions and knowledge across generations. Thus, female fertility transcends mere biology, embodying the essence of human connection, legacy, and the perpetuation of life itself.


1. Consult a Healthcare Provider: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting DHEA supplementation, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

2. Hormone Imbalance: DHEA can affect hormone balance. Be cautious about excessive or unregulated use to avoid hormonal imbalances, which can lead to adverse health effects.

3. Prostate Health: Women with underlying prostate issues should use DHEA supplements cautiously, as they can potentially affect prostate health.

4. Breast Cancer Risk: Some research has suggested an increased risk of breast cancer associated with DHEA supplementation in certain women. Those with breast cancer risk factors should exercise caution and consult with a healthcare provider.

5. Liver Function: DHEA supplements may impact liver function, so women with pre-existing liver conditions should be cautious and discuss supplementation with a healthcare provider.

These precautions emphasize the importance of seeking professional guidance, monitoring your health, and using DHEA supplements judiciously to minimize potential risks.